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Grant Recipient Roadmap

Image Credit: FHWA

SS4A Grant Recipient Roadmap Training Video

SS4A Grant Recipient Training Video
This video describes the four steps that SS4A grant recipients will complete.

Grant Recipient Roadmap

Grant Recipient Roadmap
The SS4A Grant Recipient Roadmap includes four steps:
  1. Onboarding
  2. Grant Agreement Execution
  3. Performing the Project Work, Getting Reimbursed, and Reporting
  4. Project Closeout
Click each of these steps and explore their activities, timing, and outcomes.
Crosswalk with many pedestrians crossing. Image Credit: AdobeStock_482691976
Image Credit: AdobeStock_482691976
Grant recipients will attend welcome activities hosted by FHWA to learn about the SS4A program and understand program requirements. This will ensure that grant recipients are equipped to navigate the program successfully.
Yellow pedestrian crossing sign against a cloudy blue sky. Image Credit: AdobeStock_287869399
Image Credit: AdobeStock_287869399
Grant Agreement Execution
The grant agreement is a legal document signed by the grant recipient and FHWA that authorizes grant recipients to start working on their project. During this step of the process, grant recipients will draft and execute their grant agreements.
hand signing a document with a pen. Image Credit: AdobeStock_341214580
Image Credit: AdobeStock_341214580
Performing the Project Work, Getting Reimbursed, and Reporting
Grant recipients will perform their project work as outlined in the agreement and complete grant administration requirements such as submitting required progress and financial reports and request reimbursements for eligible costs on a regular basis.
binder labeled 'GRANTS' resting on top of paper with line graph. Image Credit: AdobeStock_79158255
Image Credit: AdobeStock_79158255
Project Closeout
Once project activities are completed, recipients will submit all final reports, reimbursement requests, and initiate a closeout grant agreement amendment. Grant recipients will receive notification when their project is officially closed out.
Road shared by pedestrians, cyclists, and a car with a city skyline in the background. Image Credit: FHWA
Image Credit: FHWA

Grant Recipient Roadmap

Crosswalk with many pedestrians crossing. Image Credit: AdobeStock_482691976
Image Credit: AdobeStock_482691976

The SS4A Grant Recipient Roadmap includes four steps and helps grant recipients successfully navigate the program:

  1. Onboarding
  2. Grant Agreement Execution
  3. Performing the Project Work, Getting Reimbursed, and Reporting
  4. Project Closeout

Click each step to learn about its timing, activities, and outcomes.

Yellow pedestrian crossing sign against a cloudy blue sky. Image Credit: AdobeStock_287869399
Image Credit: AdobeStock_287869399

Grant recipients will attend welcome activities hosted by FHWA to learn about the SS4A program and understand program requirements. This will ensure that grant recipients are equipped to navigate the program successfully.

hand signing a document with a pen. Image Credit: AdobeStock_341214580
Image Credit: AdobeStock_341214580

The grant agreement is a legal document signed by the grant recipient and FHWA that authorizes grant recipients to start working on their project. During this step of the process, grant recipients will draft and execute their grant agreements.

binder labeled 'GRANTS' resting on top of paper with line graph. Image Credit: AdobeStock_79158255
Image Credit: AdobeStock_79158255

Grant recipients will perform their project work as outlined in the agreement and complete grant administration requirements such as submitting required progress and financial reports and request reimbursements for eligible costs on a regular basis.

Road shared by pedestrians, cyclists, and a car with a city skyline in the background. Image Credit: FHWA
Image Credit: FHWA

Once project activities are completed, recipients will submit all final reports, reimbursement requests, and initiate a closeout grant agreement amendment. Grant recipients will receive notification when their project is officially closed out.

Step 1: Onboarding

You are in Step 1: Onboarding if you have:

  • Received your SS4A grant award notification.
  • Connected with your FHWA Point of Contact (POC).
Timer and gear
  • Onboarding will occur as soon as practicable after grant recipients receive award notification.
person in front of a checklist
  • FHWA will facilitate an introductory webinar to welcome grant recipients to the SS4A program, provide an overview of the program, and outline program requirements.
  • FHWA also will hold an official kickoff meeting with grant recipients. This meeting will focus on their specific grant details.
  • Recipients will be introduced to their primary FHWA Point of Contact, with whom they will be working from this point forward.
lightbulb split into puzzle piece shaped quadrants
  • Upon completion of this step, grant recipients will understand where they can go for support and how to navigate through the program successfully.

Training and Resources

These introductory trainings provide information for understanding program requirements and what to expect throughout the program.

Introductory Webinar for FY24 SS4A Grant Recipients
This webinar will provide SS4A FY24 grant recipients with an introduction to the SS4A program and describe next steps in developing and executing grant agreements.
Proven Safety Countermeasures
Proven safety countermeasures can accelerate the achievement of safety goals. These strategies are designed for all types of roads to address safety focus areas.
Zero Deaths and Safe System
Reaching zero deaths requires the implementation of a Safe System approach. Learn more about the principles that make up this approach and how to apply them.

2 CFR 200 and Administrative Responsibilities

2 CFR 200 Regulation
2 CFR 200 outlines the uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal Awards.
Understanding the Uniform Guidance Requirement (2 CFR 200) for Federal Awards (NHI Training)
This free web-based training provides an overview of the Uniform Guidance Requirements by applying relevant requirements to the Federal-aid Highway Program.
Guidance for Grants and Agreements
The Guidance for Grants and Agreements outlines requirements for the Build America, Buy America Act provisions of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.

Step 2: Grant Agreement Execution

You are in Step 2: Grant Agreement Execution if you have:

  • Attended an SS4A grant recipient introductory webinar.
  • Attended an official kickoff meeting with your FHWA POC.
  • Received the Grant Agreement template, Terms and Conditions, and Exhibits, and have begun completing a draft version for your project.
Timer and gear
  • Individual timelines to execute the grant agreement generally correlates with the grant project’s level of complexity. However, grant recipients should aim to execute their grant agreement within 12 months of award notification.
person in front of a checklist
  • The grant agreement is a legal document signed by the grant recipient and FHWA that allows grant recipients to begin their grant activities.
  • During this step of the process, the grant recipient will draft their grant agreement using a provided template and submit it to FHWA for review. Normally this involves some back and forth to make sure the agreement contains all the important details. After all those details are in the document and FHWA’s review is complete, the grant agreement will be forwarded to the grant recipient for signature.
  • Once the grant recipient and FHWA have both signed the agreement, the grant agreement is considered executed. An executed grant agreement means that the grant recipient may begin to perform project work.
  • Grant recipients should be careful to not start any work before this point because grant recipient costs for work performed before grant agreement execution cannot be reimbursed using grant funding and may not be counted toward their matching funds.
lightbulb split into puzzle piece shaped quadrants
  • Upon completion of this step, grant recipients will have a fully executed grant agreement, which authorizes them to start working on their project.

Training and Resources

Trainings that will help you get your grant agreements drafted, signed, and executed so you can begin your project work.
SS4A Grant Agreements Terms and Conditions
hand signing a document with a pen. Image Credit: AdobeStock_341214580
Image Credit: AdobeStock_341214580

This link provides the grant agreement general terms and conditions and exhibit documents for each round of funding.

2 CFR 200.201: Use of Grant Agreements
This guidance outlines the types of grant agreements and the requirements of an agreement.
SS4A Grant Agreement FAQs
This guidance provides answers to common inquiries related to grant agreement execution.

Step 3: Performing the Project Work, Getting Reimbursed, and Reporting

You are in Step 3: Performing the Project Work, Getting Reimbursed, and Reporting if:

  • Your grant agreement has been fully executed.
Timer and gear
  • The length of this step will depend on the grant recipient’s period of performance, as outlined in their grant agreement.
person in front of a checklist
  • During this step, grant recipients will perform their project work and submit periodic progress and financial reports to FHWA. Please note that some projects will also be required to submit additional information.
  • Changes to grant agreements may require FHWA approval, and certain changes will require a formal grant agreement amendment. Work with FHWA prior to making any project changes.
  • During this part of the process, grant recipients can request reimbursement for eligible costs on a regular basis.
  • Grant recipients may also tap into educational resources and technical assistance through the SS4A Technical Assistance Center, or TAC. Technical assistance may include attending large-group Community of Practice webinars or smaller peer exchanges, requesting one-on-one help, or accessing the SS4A website.
Roadmap Outcome Icon
  • Upon completion of this step, grant recipients will have completed work on their project, submitted their required reports, been reimbursed for their agency’s costs, and possibly used SS4A technical assistance resources to support their grant activities.

Training and Resources

Trainings that will help you complete the various grant administration and support technical project work:

SS4A Quarterly Reporting Webinar
This webinar provides SS4A recipients an overview of the quarterly reporting requirements for SS4A recipients.
April 2024 Community of Practice Meeting: Procurement
The April Community of Practice meeting provides SS4A grant recipients with information related to procurement standards documented within 2 CFR 200. The webinar discusses the 2 CFR 200 requirements that dictate how grant recipients acquire goods and services and answers questions about the procurement process.
2 CFR 200.328: Financial Reporting
This resource outlines the grant reporting information that must be collected for each Federal grant award, and outlines the monitoring requirements for the grant recipient.
Delphi iSupplier Access
This resource provides instructions on how to access and the Delphi elnvoicing/iSupplier portal for payment requests and reimbursements.

Understanding the Safe System Approach

July 2024 Community of Practice Meeting: Safe System Approach
This webinar provides an in-depth review of the Safe System Approach and discusses how SS4A grant recipients can integrate the Safe System Approach throughout their Action Plans to maximize the benefits of their projects.
What is a Safe System Approach?
This resource outlines the Safe System Approach (SSA), which has been embraced by the transportation community as an effective way to address and mitigate the risks inherent in our enormous and complex transportation system.

Developing Action Plans

Strategic Transportation Safety Plan Toolkit for Tribal Governments
This toolkit provides resources to help Tribe's develop a Strategic Transportation Safety Plan
September 2024 Community of Practice Meeting: The Safe System Approach Peer-to-Peer Panel Discussion
In this webinar, fellow SS4A grant recipients will share their experiences incorporating this approach into their comprehensive safety action plans and projects. Participants will hear first-hand from their peers about how they made the SSA a key part of their efforts, the thought processes involved, and the factors that influenced and shaped their final products.
SS4A Quarterly Reporting Forms
hand signing a document with a pen. Image Credit: AdobeStock_341214580

Complete the SS4A Quarterly Reporting Forms to adhere with your grant’s requirements.

SS4A Quarterly Performance Progress Report (PPR)

Federal Financial Report: SF 425

SF 425 Form Instructions

Step 4: Project Closeout

You are in Step 4: Project Closeout if you have

  • Reached the end date for your grant’s period of performance.
  • Completed your project work.
  • Completed your final reimbursement and reporting requirements.
Timer and gear
  • Project closeout should occur within one year after the grant recipient’s period of performance ends.
person in front of a checklist
  • To close out their grant, grant recipients must complete their required reports, submit their final request for reimbursement, and work with FHWA to initiate a closeout grant agreement amendment.
  • Grant recipients will need to work with FHWA to make sure that all requirements are satisfied in a timely manner and that their grant is successfully closed out.
lightbulb split into puzzle piece shaped quadrants
  • Upon completion of this step, grant recipients will be notified that their grant is officially closed.

Training and Resources

2 CFR 200.344 Closeout
This guidance outlines the closeout process and requirements.

Highlighted Trainings

Introductory Webinar for FY24 SS4A Grant Recipients
This webinar will provide SS4A FY24 grant recipients with an introduction to the SS4A program and describe next steps in developing and executing grant agreements.
SS4A Quarterly Reporting Webinar
This webinar provides SS4A recipients an overview of the quarterly reporting requirements for SS4A recipients.

Who can I contact for personalized coaching?

man wearing headphones is sitting at his desk in front of a computer. Image Credit: AdobeStock_392700319

Request a one-on-one coaching session with a transportation specialist to discuss your roadway safety challenges as your work through your Action Plan, demonstration activities, and/or implantation grant! Whether you have a specific question or want to share what you’re working on, our transportation safety staff are here to help. During the session, we recommend next steps and share helpful resources based off your needs. Coaching session topics include, but are not limited to, how to analyze safety data, host public engagement activities, and project selection strategy.

For general inquiries, please contact the SS4A team at

Forms Corner

SS4A Quarterly Reporting Forms
hand signing a document with a pen. Image Credit: AdobeStock_341214580

Complete the SS4A Quarterly Reporting Forms to adhere with your grant’s requirements.

SS4A Quarterly Performance Progress Report (PPR)

Federal Financial Report: SF 425

SF 425 Form Instructions