Welcome to the Safe Streets and Roads for All Clearinghouse
The SS4A program provides funding and technical assistance to prevent roadway fatalities and serious injuries and to strengthen communities’ approach to roadway safety for all users.
Our shared goal is zero roadway fatalities. The SS4A Clearinghouse provides information and resources to help communities successfully carry out their SS4A planning, demonstration, and implementation projects to save lives and prevent serious injuries on our nation's streets and roads.
Image Credit: FHWA
How can we help?
Check out the Grant Recipient Roadmap to find curated resources and trainings for each step of your grant. Check out the Resource Library to search for all SS4A-related resources.
Check out the Events page to sign up for upcoming events and view past event recordings and slides.
Sign up for one-on-one conversation that delivers personalized coaching from a transportation specialist for your SS4A Grant’s unique needs.
The SS4A Grant Recipient Roadmap includes four steps:
Grant Agreement Execution
Performing the Project Work, Getting Reimbursed, and Reporting
Project Closeout
Click each of these steps and explore their activities, timing, and outcomes.
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Grant recipients will attend welcome activities hosted by FHWA to learn about the SS4A program and understand program requirements. This will ensure that grant recipients are equipped to navigate the program successfully.
Image Credit: AdobeStock_287869399
Grant Agreement Execution
The grant agreement is a legal document signed by the grant recipient and FHWA that authorizes grant recipients to start working on their project. During this step of the process, grant recipients will draft and execute their grant agreements.
Image Credit: AdobeStock_341214580
Performing the Project Work, Getting Reimbursed, and Reporting
Grant recipients will perform their project work as outlined in the agreement and complete grant administration requirements such as submitting required progress and financial reports and request reimbursements for eligible costs on a regular basis.
Image Credit: AdobeStock_79158255
Project Closeout
Once project activities are completed, recipients will submit all final reports, reimbursement requests, and initiate a closeout grant agreement amendment. Grant recipients will receive notification when their project is officially closed out.
Image Credit: FHWA
Grant Recipient Roadmap
Image Credit: AdobeStock_482691976
The SS4A Grant Recipient Roadmap includes four steps and helps grant recipients successfully navigate the program:
Grant Agreement Execution
Performing the Project Work, Getting Reimbursed, and Reporting
Project Closeout
Click each step to learn about its timing, activities, and outcomes.
Image Credit: AdobeStock_287869399
Grant recipients will attend welcome activities hosted by FHWA to learn about the SS4A program and understand program requirements. This will ensure that grant recipients are equipped to navigate the program successfully.
Image Credit: AdobeStock_341214580
The grant agreement is a legal document signed by the grant recipient and FHWA that authorizes grant recipients to start working on their project. During this step of the process, grant recipients will draft and execute their grant agreements.
Image Credit: AdobeStock_79158255
Grant recipients will perform their project work as outlined in the agreement and complete grant administration requirements such as submitting required progress and financial reports and request reimbursements for eligible costs on a regular basis.
Image Credit: FHWA
Once project activities are completed, recipients will submit all final reports, reimbursement requests, and initiate a closeout grant agreement amendment. Grant recipients will receive notification when their project is officially closed out.
Search the SS4A Resource Library
The SS4A Resource Library is a compilation of materials that provide guidance, references, and research at every step of the Grant Recipient Roadmap.